I guess this is the season for Ricks icks! We just finished off Grayson's antiobiotics and for two whole days he was happy and well and things were good and life was normal and the house was clean and Mommy was happy and then BAM! Grayson woke up on Monday morning with this weird red spot on his eyelid. Later on in the day I noticed another little red dot appearing next to the first one on his eyelid. two days later, two more bumps appeared underneath his eye. Today, Grayson got out of bed and I noticed there was a third bump under his eye equaling five. And now, all the bumps looked kind of "juicy" and scabby. I had been thinking this might be Pink Eye all week but after today I knew it was something else. Barry and took him to the doctor and sure enough: Our son has a Staph Infection and a Sty (Inflammation of one or more sebaceous glands of an eyelid, I looked it up). THANKFULLY, it's not contagious but now I'm starting to wonder where in the world Grayson is getting all of this stuff!
Well, for the strong stomached, here is picture for all you Moms. Now if your child gets it you'll know what it looks like! (It looks worse in person but this is the best photo I could get)

The saddest part is that my Mom refused to take him to my Dad's office today because
no one at his work has seen his grandson yet, but Grayson wasn't "Cute enough to show off" hahahahaha! Isn't that terrible! (Don't judge her, haha)