Thursday, March 20, 2008

Where are we going to put it?!?!

Lately, I’ve been getting the strongest feeling that Barry and I needed to start a food storage. I’m talking a “burning in the bosom” kind of impression. We found a great sale at Albertson’s last week and bought tons of soups and chili, but didn’t know where to go from there. A few days ago, a friend of mine sent me an e-mail with a bunch of warnings from LDS leaders about the need for a food storage. I started to get a little worried. So yesterday, I went to a lady in our ward’s house, because she is the GURU of food storage, and asked for advice and tips on where to start. Last night, Barry and I were talking about my impressions, so in his nightly prayer he asked for counsel on following my feelings.

This afternoon my mom invited me to go to a going away luncheon for a friend of hers. I didn’t really want to but did… for the food. Halfway through the meal, the woman who is moving said, “I have tons of wheat that I don’t want to take with me to Albuquerque. Does anyone want it?” No one said anything so I piped in, “I Do!!!” So we stopped by her house tonight, and she gave us six 25 lb. buckets of wheat, two 25 lb. buckets of sugar, and three 25 lb. buckets of beans!!!

I’m going to assume that this was the Lord’s answer to our prayer!


Amy said...

That is so awesome! Do you live in an apartment?! We do, and we have no idea where we would store a years supply of food. We have some short term stuff, but probably need to figure out a way to store more

Christina said...

that is awesome!! We have food storage until we moved here, and now we have used it all up.

Rachel @ The Little Blue Room said...

It's been on my mind as well.
The revelation to produce and store food may be as essential to our temporal welfare today as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah.
-Pres. Ezra taft Benson,Oct 1980
I would like to think I would have been on the ark but am I not worried because it's not raining yet?
You should check out my friend's prepardness blog She had great links and ideas. She even has monthly challenges to make it fun!