Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Every day...

Grayson no longer allows me to feed him. If I try, he just spits the food out until I hand him the spoon. I'm beginning to believe he got the Ricks' "stubborness" gene. This is very frustrating on the days where he is already dressed and I am planning on going somewhere after he eats. So we have this new tradition:

Every day, I strip Gray down to his skivies to eat. He makes a huge mess, and instead of cleaning him up I take him straight to the tub. Every day, Grayson poops in the tub. And every day, I remind myself to wait a few minutes before bathing him so he can do his business in a diaper. But, every day I forget and stick him right in the tub. They say people are supposed to learn from their mistakes.

I guess I'm just not one of those types of people.


Amy said...

That is so cute! What a messy little guy. :)

Rachel @ The Little Blue Room said...

Wow! Not fun, huh?! Hang in there! Is he in the tub still wearing his diaper in the last pic? LOL!

Christina said...

I remember those days (as i'm sure I will soon be repeating them too)
Love your new blog look.