Wednesday night was our combined wards' Trunk-or-Treat Haloween party. Barry and I have been planning this day forever. Back in March or so, we decided that we were going to do a family theme. Originally we decided to be Chewbacca, Princess Leah and Hans Solo but we decided to stick with something a little cheaper. This year we were a Knight, Princess, and Dragon. It took me an hour to do my hair... but it was fun because it felt like prom all over again. And Grayson got his growl down pat, but he missed his afternoon nap so by the time the party rolled around, he was exhausted. He spent the whole party staring off into space with glazed over eyes. I chased him around the whole party just trying to get one good picture... I think we got a few decent ones. We are going to be getting professional pictures done in our costumes... haha! I can't wait! Anyway, even with a cranky tired Grayson, we still had a blast! The funniest part was when people still asked us what we were supposed to be. And several people thought Gray was T-Rex!!! Seriously people... a knight, princess, and T-Rex??? THat doesn't even make sense!!! But I thought the best costumes of the night were The Sullivans. There is a couple in our ward who has seven boys so she dressed up like Snow White, her husband was prince charming, and all the boys wore white beards and names of which of the seven dwarves they were! haha! I love Haloween!!! Barry and I have already started planning for next year's costumes! 

An Adventure
8 years ago
1 comment:
You all look so adorable in your costumes. The Jack o'Lanterns are a work of art, that's a clever idea for Grayson to use stickers. What a great idea. This is such a fun time of year.
luv ya,
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