Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Scoop!

Alright, here is the scoop. On Saturday, Barry, my Dad, and a few friends met up at our house and installed our new WOOD FLOORS!!!!!! Our house is going to look AWESOME!!! It took them from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm to get it done, but WOW what a difference.

This past Monday, three men from my ward came over early in the morning and moved almost every thing in our apartment to the house. They were amazing! I couldn't believe how fast they got all the heavy stuff... I guess that's the power of the priesthood! hahaha! Anyway, we had also asked ward members to come at 5:30 that night to help us move. Only a few people were able to come, but we are sooooooooooooooo grateful to them! We got everything moved over to the house very non-stressfully. When we got to the house, we asked our knowledgeable friend to light the pilot light to our heater. He discovered that our gas wasn't even on. Barry had called the gas company two weeks ago and gave all of our information, switched everything to our name, etc. So needless to say, it was a little frustrating. We went to the gas place yesterday and they told him they had NO RECORD of his phone call. GRRRRR.... So now we have to pay a huge fee to get our gas turned back on even though it was their fault. So until Monday (their closest available date to warm us up) we are sleeping on an air mattress in the living room of my parents's house.

Yesterday, they laid our carpet, so we are calling this all a blessing! We now have most of the week to get all of our belongings situated before we move in! So MONDAY, we will OFFICIALLY be living in our first HOME!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! I can't wait! And the best news of all............ Barry and I have not fought once!!! Everyone kept laughing and telling us that doing a remodel will test our marriage. But thanks to my oh-so-calm husband, this has been a super smooth project! I still love him! Isn't that great?

I have more good news! My brother decided to come home and work during Christmas break so we have our FIXED computer back, but it won't be hooked up for another week! SHEESH! But I was able to squeeze in a moment on my parents computer to let you all know what's going on. I'm sorry I'm going to miss several blogs from the past few weeks, but I'll try to catch up eventually!!!

P.S. Can anyone believe that Christmas is ALREADY NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!! THis year flew by!


Amy said...

That's too bad about the gas company and everything. Yay for new flooring though! I'm excited for you guys. I hope you enjoy the new place!

Sarah said...

I'm jealous of your new flooring. Our house has carpet in the kitchen, yeah, that's right, the kitchen. Absolutely ridiculous. I have to say hooray for your blog, I've missed reading your fun thoughts.