Monday, March 16, 2009

My apologies!

After reading certain comments, I need to apologize. I guess I never made an official announcement to my blogging friends... For those of you who are confused about my last few blogs: I am pregnant! My first doctor's appointment is this Friday (ABOUT TIME!) but without the official sonogram, I am due October 16th. That might change after Friday! So right now, I am about eight weeks along, and this pregnancy is a billion times easier than the last one. There's no screaming at Barry to pull over so I can decorate some random parking lot with my recycled lunch (or breakfast, or dinner), there's no awfulness at all! I just have to dive for the garbage can as soon as I wake up in the morning and if I eat right afterward, I'm great... until I start feeling hungry again. The only thing that's been rough is I feel incredibly lethargic. Like, Mono lethargic. I'm active for maybe an hour (active can be anything from sitting and playing ball with Grayson to real active) and then I have to fight to stay awake for the rest of the day. I have to take a nap every single day when Grayson does, and even though all other women who have suffered through what I'm going through support taking naps, I feel so lazy. Soooooooooooooooooo Lazy. So that's where I am right now. Oh and for all those who are wondering, this one was 1oo% planned as well! And I don't care what I'm having, as long as it is male or female! haha! So there you go.... IT'S OFFICIAL!


Amy said...

Sorry about your bread box! lol.

I was super tired during my second pregnancy too! I don't know what the deal was, but I would sleep in, take naps, and go to bed early...and I was still tired. So crazy. I'm glad things are going better for you with this pregnancy though! Throwing up all the time is no fun at all.

Christian, Kerri, & The Boys said...

Congrats!! Hope you feel better!

Emily said...

Yeah! I have to admit I was one of those confused ones. But that is not unusual because I am always confused!

Congratulations! Wow, two little ones. After having Maya, I have been thinking one is good, but I know that in about a year we will plan for more. Right now is really not a good time especially since I am just getting over being sick and stuff and they recommend not trying for at least 6 months which is fine for me. Plus witht the move to Utah...that is right Branch got a residency in Utah so we are moving in two months! YEAH! I am so happy and it is near my dads place and Liz so I am so happy!

Anyway, Seriously I am so happy for you. You are such a great mommy. I could learn a lot from you! I guess I will just have to come out there before we move and take a couple of lessons! Love you and deserve every good thing that comes your way, especially if it a girl and you name it Emily (I am just suggesting...)

Ps. My verification word today is pothead! How funny is that?

Mom Ricks said...

Maybe you'll have a girl. After John and Ryan, I had the easiest pregnancy ever with Jeannette. And, it was also my easiest delivery (Krystle, we can always hope).