I've always wanted to take pictures of Grayson by our tree. Don't ask me why... I just love those pictures of little kids on or by trees. Unfortunately, Grayson has a mind of his own now and refuses to pose or smile for any kind of photo. Well, he was climbing this very tree the other day and his little foot slipped and was caught in a Y part at the bottom. Instead of helping my poor stuck child, I saw an opportunity. Fate was playing its part so I ran inside to get the camera (Don't gasp too loudly, the camera was right by the door!) My little boy was trapped, glued to the tree I've always wanted to capture on film and I got to snap all the pictures I wanted! He couldn't move! (Insert evil laugh here.) In most of them, he is shouting, "MA!" (That's Mom in Grayson talk) and trying to break free, but I got a few cute ones. No smiles, but cute. And in the end, he finally sat for five seconds so I could take one last picture... So I'll take that as a sign that he wasn't too traumatized.
An Adventure
8 years ago
Those are some dang cute pictures, and it looks like he survived just fine. ;) I'm pretty sure I would have done the same thing you did. lol!
Really cute pics. And don't feel bad, if you look at my blog I've got a picture of Dempsey bawling, what you can't tell is that she's reaching for me because she just biffed it in the mud. Blogs are evil, it's not us, it is a power beyond us all. (No baby was seriously injured in the production of my blog).
LOL! Love it! He is so cute! Can't wait to hug and kiss him soon!
Ha ha! I think that's hilarious. I love it. I would have done the same thing!
I think every mother in the world has done something like that, or will one day do something like that! You work with what you get!!
How is baby Ricks cooking? You doing ok?
PS--Jiggly Wigglys. I had to say it!
ha ha! He wasn't even up high! I would ahve done the same thing....after I pointed and laughed :)
He looks like a happy boy, despite the fact that he was stuck and his evil mother made him get his picture taken first, tee hee!
Thanks for sharing!
Way cute! :)
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