Thursday, June 25, 2009


Well, it's official! Barry and I are having a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO!!! I am sooooo excited!
And we are officially scheduled to have my C-section (I have to have a C-section. They don't allow VBAC's in Carlsbad) on October 6th! I don't know what time yet, but that's the News! YAY for babies!
This is the most innappropriate picture I will ever post of my little girl. When the doctor was checking the sex, he said, "Oh, I see a little hamburger!" I said, "did you just call it a hamburger?" and he points at it and says, "Well, that's what it looks like!" haha! So there you go. With Grayson they said they saw his "little floater" and now we have a "little hamburger"! Do you think they teach those terms in medical school? hahaha!
Here's her face. (We only have a 2D Sonogram machine here) She sort of looks like an japanese anime character... haha


KymandKalab said...

Wow- those are really weird names. Hamburger? Seriously? Maybe they do teach those terms in medical school. Huh. Well congrats! I'm way excited for your little girl! Are you two going to go with comic book characters or heroes or something still? Sorry- I can't remember exactly what you said. CONGRATS!

Becktacular Duo! said...

AWESOME!! I laughed really hard about that hamburger part. And yes, one day when your daughter is a teenager, she will be a bit angry that you posted that picture of her "hamburger!" But I love the anime picture. :) I'm so happy for you! What are some names you have thought of?

The Peterson's said...

YAY!!!!!!! That is wonderful! I am very excited about your little girl! Babies are so much fun!

Sarah said...

That's freaking awesome, a boy and a girl, just like us but backwards! Our little boy is being stubborn and not wanting to come out, hopefully we'll be induced soon! Good luck!

Kathy said...

That's too bad they won't allow you to at least try a VBAC. I guess that's what you get for living in the middle of nowhere. HaHa I have always thought the doctors there were lame from some of the other stories you have told. I can't wait to meet her!

Elise said...

Awesome! Congratulations! I'm so excited to meet her. And to hear her name!

Rachel @ The Little Blue Room said...

I am so excited!! Our dr. called little boys turtles, lol, but girls were hamburgers.

Amy said...

Congrats! That will be fun for you guys to have a little girl. :)

Dave & Ashley said...

CONGRATS! Im super duper happy for you guys! That is so exciting.

Mom Ricks said...

It's love at first sight! I think every clinic has a different name for gender identification. When I had Barry's ultrasound, they called it little boy plumbing! Anyway, I'm excited to have #10 grandchild identified. Now I'll have 5 boys and 5 girls!

Christina said...

yahoo!! I can't wait to see her in person (don't know when that will be - yes we are still waiting to hear from the job) Crazy names for those body parts. What if we taught those terms to our children???