(You know you are a parent when the party ends by 8:30 because you're exhausted!)
This is the bug cake, and Grayson holding up a bug he "caught" from the cake.
Grayson is pointing at one of the bugs on his card, and looking at the Leapster his Great Grandma bought him.
So Grayson is two and I can hardly believe it. We've been having so much fun now that he is getting older. He loves dancing... and I mean LOVES it! This morning, while we were all getting ready for church, Barry put in "Mozart" and Grayson started jamming out. I guess he can find a dancing beat in any type of music! He is so smart, is starting to say a bunch more words, and his most recent fascination is bugs. He's kind of obsessed with them, as you can tell from his birthday pictures. We had a bug party, He can find the bug in any story we read, and he LOVES real bugs... (Mommy, not so much.) The other day he saw a beetle on our floor so he picked it up and turned on the music and danced with it. It must of been quite an exciting dance because the bug didn't come out alive... but even though I have to stiffle my groans and screeches anytime he shows me some new bug he picked up, I love how curious he is about them. I love everything about him!
But we will see if I am still gushing about my child when he becomes a BIG brother!
Happy Birthday, Grayson!
So fun! You did a GREAT job on the bug cake! You're such a wonderful mommy! Hope you're doing well! Love you!
Happy Birthday Grayson! That is so crazy he is 2! Where does the time go? And your anniversary is soon too right?
I totally understand the bug thing. Last week Lance found a couple snails and said they were cute. We had to find a container to keep them in. He even wanted to take a shower with them. Happy Birthday Grayson!
What a fun birthday for Grayson.
The pictures are cute and he looks so happy. You are a good writer Krystle, I love your descriptions.
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