Wednesday, March 23, 2011

One of those scary mommy moments

     This morning, Jaye got in bed with me around 5. I noticed her eyes looked puffy, I assumed it was from her spill yesterday. When we all got up around 7, I saw that not only was she puffy but there was a weird welty rash on her face. Upon inspection, I found the rash covered her entire body. I called the Doctor to see if I could fit her in earlier (we had a regular check up at 10:30) but they said no, mornings were for “healthy patients”.

(Took this on my cell in the morning)

     Her face kept getting more red, so I decided to take a shower so I would be ready to go to the doc. By the time I got out of the shower, her arms and legs were beet red, and her fingers and toes were dark blue. I was terrified, called the doctor again, and asked if I should take her to the emergency room. The receptionist told me to bring her in right away, so still dripping wet I packed my kids in the car and rushed over to the doc. I couldn't even get Jaye's shoes on her feet were so swollen!

     When I walked into the office, the receptionist shouted out (edited), “OH MY GOSH!” and kept apologizing that she didn’t tell me to come in sooner. Her reaction was a little ominous, I was starting to freak out thinking I would have to rush her to the emergency room and the news was going to be horrific. But the doctor checked her out, and basically said he had no idea what had set her off, but it was definitely an allergic reaction to... something. So vague. I hadn’t given her anything unusual to eat, so he told me to watch for another reaction (as if I could miss it!) and try to remember what I fed her. She got a steroid shot to bring down the swelling, and some liquid steroid stuff for the next few days.

    So now what am I supposed to do? Feed her peanuts to see if it happens again? I feel stuck not knowing what caused it. But even though it is frustrating, I am soooo grateful she is alright.

And grateful we didn’t have to fork out a million bucks in emergency room costs.

(Here she is a few hours after the steroid shot and the swelling is all gone. She still looks terrible, poor girl.)


Elise said...

Aah!! Totally scary! I am SO sorry!!!!

janae said...

Okay, that is terrifying!! I'm so glad that it wasn't anything worse (and it was awful as is!) I've never had anything like that happen, although both my mom and sister have. Both times the kids looked just like Jaye, all swollen and splochy.

With my sister, her son never had another reaction, so they never figured out what it was. (It's been about four years now.)

With my mom, my brother happened to make the connection with a specific kind of yogurt - I think it was Yoplait Watermelon flavor. He could eat every other kind of Yoplait, and he could eat watermelon, but somehow that particular combination gave him a reaction. He's never had a reaction to any other kind of food (and for him it's been about 20 years now).

Here's hoping your story ends up the same - no problem ever again, and no severe allergy to worry about.

Amy said...

How scary! I'm glad that she is okay. What a rough morning.

Emily said...

OH my gosh Krystle! Ahhh! Not cool! Sorry you all had to go through that :( Glad to hear she is feeling better though!!

The Peterson's said...

Oh my gosh that is scary! I am glad that she is ok now but man how are you going to find out what it was?

KymandKalab said...

:( So scary! I'm glad she's okay now, but ahhhhhhh! Good for you for being such a good mommy and being persistent!