Friday, April 6, 2012

Conference Weekend

     I recognize that I hardly write on my blog anymore, perhaps it's the hustle and bustle of every day life with three rambunctious children that prevents me from finding the time to hop online... but any of you who follow me on pinterest know that I'd be lying. I wouldn't be lying though, if I said it might have to do with that darned new feature on blogspot that actually shows you how many people read your blog.

That can be a little depressing.

     I'm not doing a blog to earn money, or share my craftiness with the world, but just to keep in touch with people. And apparently, I'm only keeping in touch with the one to three people who regularly read this thing. (To those readers... THANKS!)  But my mom is also trying to become more tech-saavy, so I'm doing this for you, Mom!

And because it's the only chance I get to really creatively write... I need a hobby :)

So anyway, what I'm saying is, I think I'm going to try and start blogging on a more regular basis. Just because it's fun.

     I'll start with these pictures of my homemade donuts! I'm beginning to notice that whenever I bake something that isn't on the regular menu... my family deems it picture-worthy. We get too excited about our baked goods! But in early march, I was asked to speak in church about preparing for general conference, so I tried my best to live up to my talk.

     The best part about giving the talk was the amount of people who came up afterward, to tell me the ideas they thought about while I spoke. I talked a lot about making traditions out of conference, and a handful of ward members came up to me so excited about traditions they wanted to start. For our own family, Barry suggested we try making homemade donuts.


(Jaye eats really weird, so her face ALWAYS looks like this. She likes to eat the toppings off things like donuts and pizza, because she doesn't really like bread.)

      So we spent Conference weekend eating finger foods and donuts. Grayson and I also spent about an hour cutting out pictures of Jesus from dozens of old Ensign magazines (I got them free from the public library) and during conference we all made a HUGE collage picture of them, to display for Easter. (if you're thinking, "what a great idea, Krystle!" Think again. It was so stressful! We laid out the dozens of pictures first and then I delusionally thought the kids could keep it all in place while trying to glue it all together. ANYWAY...) Then I planned a reverent stroll around the temple inbetween sessions. The wind was whipping, and it was cold, and Grayson cried the whole time because he was miserable.

Then when the last session started, Grayson looked at us, and huffed, "Is this still going!?"

     BUT, we made it through. My kids sat through almost 8 hours of conference quietly. We have a beautiful reminder of the Easter season on our piano. And the talks were so inspiring. And now I have a list of traditions we will and will NOT be continuing!

               (I think it's sad that we have pictures of my donuts... but not my kids' artwork!
               I will have to snap a picture of them holding it. But here is the website for the
               donut recipe if you are ever feeling ambitious. I hope you had a Wonderful
                conference too!)


janae said...

If you're referring to the 'followers' thing, no worries. People can access your blog in lots of ways. I subscribe, so I won't be on your followers list. (And my old blogger blog only had 20 followers, but 80 subscribers, so you never really know.) Plus, a lot of people have your blog on their side bar (like you do) and just check up on it occasionally, without following or subscribing. Even the stats counter things can be wrong. So more people read you than you probably realize!

Amy said...

I bet more than a few people read your blog. I love your stories! They are always fun to read. :) I enjoy seeing what you guys are up to!

Melanie said...

I like reading your blog, although I am one of those that only occasionally checks. And I look at it this way: even if no one in the whole world reads my blog, it is a good way for me to keep a journal of the things that go on in my family and our life together.