I have a theory. I think babies get sick to remind us that we are the life support, we can't hand our children off when the going gets tough, they really are helpless, and no one else can play parent. Grayson got sick last weekend. He was burning all day on Friday and at 11 at night his temperature peaked at 103.8. We decided to take him to the E.R. and after hours of waiting we found out he has "pharangitis" or a swollen, red throat, and an infection in both ears. It's almost a week later, and Grayson still isn't feeling well. It is the saddest thing, because he tries to be happy but he's having a hard time eating, and all he wants to do is snuggle... with Mommy. He won't even let daddy hold him most of the time, so for the first time, I have to be a single mom. I'm definitely beginning to appreciate my mother a little bit more.
I know it's been nearly ten months, but I'm just beginning to feel like I'm not babysitting anymore. I hope that doesn't sound terrible, but it's just starting to hit home that I am mother to a small helpless being, who will be leaning on me for pretty much everything for the next several years, as will all the future Ricks kids. What a responsibility! But despite the sicknesses, and the late night feedings, and the dirty diapers... I love my son. 
Oh Krystle! I am sorry to hear Grayson is sick! I hope he is back to normal soon. I am dreading the first time Maya is sick and we have to take her to the ER. I will be a complete nut case I guaranteed it! Maya was starting to only fall asleep in my arms, which was really cute for a while then I realized I couldn't get anything done! She is better now.
I know what you mean about the babysitting. I love her with all of my heart but there are still times when I will look in my arms and think "Oh! There's a baby in my arms! OH! She's mine!!" We are both so lucky!
I hope he gets feeling better! It's so sad when they are sick, and there isn't anything you can do to make it go away. It's sweet how cuddly and loving they get though. :)
Having a second child was a way different experience for me. When I had Gage I think I was just overwhelmed, and maybe in shock. It took me a while to realize that he was mine, and how much I loved him. But with Parker, I fell in love right away - even when we saw the ultrasound I was overcome with love for him. It was pretty amazing. Kids are wonderful, and being a mom is the best thing in the world!
You should love that kid he's dang cute!!! Good to see you Krystle, you make such a cute mom! I love being a mommy too but my little boy is on 6 and 1/2. CHeck out my blog!
Well, the thing I have been dreading happened. Maya had her 2 month shots and got the fever. We didn't have to take her to the ER (thank goodness!) but that is the first time she was sick. I felt so bad for her! She is feeling better now though!
So sorry to hear that Grayson is sick. I think those are the hardest days to be a mom. You deserve a hug right now - so here's one from far away.
Good luck.
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