Friday, May 30, 2008

My own personal horror movie.

The topic of today's blog was supposed to be more of my frustrations with society. We watched a "horror" movie last night called, "One Missed Call". It's features people getting a voicemail from an evil spirit, and the voicemail basically tells how and when the people die. Now the reason why this movie was so frustrating to me, is because the fact that people are so dependent on cell phones that they were able to make a movie about it. The people in the movie never got rid of their cell phones, they would rather risk dying, then not carrying around a little piece of plastic. I write about this all the time, but is society that pathetic? Do we really NEED to carry around a phone at all times, and be connected to the internet ALL the time, or be text messaging ALL the time? I'm telling you, in a few years, social skills will disappear. No one will know how to talk to another person face to face, we're all just going to live vicariously through that obnoxious piece of technology.

BUT, that is not the topic of this blog. Like I said, last night was "Scary movie Night". We (my brother, husband, and I) watched "Disturbia" and then the phone movie. Half way through Disturbia, my brother says, "Hey, pause the movie". It gets paused and then we all start hearing some people fighting outside the window. We all rush to the window and there are four people standing outside a nearby apartment. They are all swearing up a storm, and two of them had covered their faces with red t-shirts. They were screaming at the person inside the apartment and then they started yelling something about a knife. One of the masked people, charged at the owner, and then all of the sudden, they all just took off running. They guy in the apartment came out and was carrying a large candlestick holder or something, and he ran over to the manager's apartment and pounded on the door. A few minutes later, the cops come zooming into to the parking lot... (Remember how they didn't come when Barry and I called them... VERY UPSETTING!) and they interviewed everyone, and took pictures of the two windows the mob busted, and the guy's arms... they must have hurt him. We found out from his neighbor that the people that attacked was the man's girlfriend's kids. One of the shrouded figures was actually our maintenance man's assistant! Apparently, the mom caught one of them with drugs in the apartment, so she kicked the daughter and son out of the house, and they came back for revenge on the boyfriend.

I'm a small-town girl, so witnessing something like that, with the red masks and everything, scared me out of my mind! And the fact that this happened while we were watching a serial-killer movie, didn't help all that much either. Anyway... I'm beginning to second guess the level of safety here at our complex.


Amy said...

Sheesh, that's just crazy! What a fun place you live in...

I don't watch horror movies anymore -I have no desire to scare myself on purpose.

Elise said...

Krystle. That is not cool. Move.

Sarah said...

I'm telling you right now, get a gun. Seriously. Go out and get a concealed weapons permit. Right now. Go.

Christina said...

You can come live with us. It's nice and quite and they have all sorts of fun activites to do.