Tuesday, May 27, 2008


You know what I hate... reading. Well actually I love reading, but I get too... involved. I am one of those people who reads cover to cover, but with Grayson I can only read during naptimes, and late into the night. Last night I finished another book, "The Host". It's another Stephenie Meyers book, she wrote the "Twilight" series. Anyway, even when a book takes me just a day or so to read, I feel like I get too attached. Like, when I finish a really good book, I sort of get depressed, like I'm losing a friend. It was awful to read the Harry Potter series, because then I had seven book to get overly-attached, instead of just one. I wanted to cry when I finished reading those, actually, I'm pretty sure I did. But last night, after I closed the back cover of my book, I felt so sad. It was about that time that I realized... I REALLY need to get out more.


Sarah said...

That is the story of my life. Final.

Elise said...

Okay, Krystle. What the heck did you think of that book? Because after reading the description, I think it sounds crazy-insane and not good. Tell me my first impression is wrong.

Amy said...

I get way too engrossed in books also. I know just how you feel! If it's a good book I have a hard time putting it down, and then I neglect everything else around me...probably not a good thing to do. :)