Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Good hair day!

GRAYSON HAS HAIR!!! We've waited for so long! Just recently, Grayson developed this little tuft of fluff on the top of his head. We were so excited the first day we noticed it that we gave him a mohawk and took him to Walmart so everyone could see his hair! And now it's posted so EVERYONE can see his hair! YEAH!


Amy said...

hahaha...that looks awesome. Yay for cool mohawks!

My boys both had tons of hair when they were born. We've already given Parker 3 haircuts...and that's not too fun with a squirming little baby.

Emily said...

Ohhh he is so cute! I love his smile! Mohawks are the only thing I can do with Maya's hair!

Christina said...

so fun. He looks so big now!!
Looks like you wore out Elise's kids - that's a great feeling (to wear out kids - they never get tired for me)
we miss you guys so much!!

Konnie said...

I love the hair! It's so funny, Violet has a little hair spike at the back of her head that is probably an inch long, everything else is fuzzy, and so Chris girl-hawks her hair all the time...little pink bow and punk rocker hair! I can't believe how big Grayson is getting, he's just beautiful. It looks like you guys are doing really good!