Sunday, July 27, 2008


Live theatre is on a completely different plane than any other type of entertainment. You can't call "cut", or send the footage to an editor and make the performance perfect and pristine. Last night was a firm testament of this truth. As you all know, Barry and I are in "Clue: the Musical" which opened this last Thursday. I play Miss Scarlet and I wear a beautiful red satin knee-length dress. During this interrogation scene, I sort of fling my dress out before I sit down. Well, last night, I flung it a little too hard, and the dress went flying... high. The bottom of my dress flew up to about chest-level, and I looked out at the audience to see a group of old (as in ELDERLY) ladies freak out, and start laughing.

At that moment I knew.

I flashed the audience... bad.

Lovely. Black. Granny panties.

I am mortified.

To quote Professor Plum, "the audience sure got their money's worth."

Fortunately enough, my church's Young Adult group came the night before, and I didn't know a single person in the audience the night of my striptease... THANK GOODNESS!!! I believe it's time to invest in some biker shorts. And the worst part of it all is this night was the night we filmed it. Every single cast member will get a copy!!! Oh well, you gotta love live theatre!


Elise said...

WOW. That is right. HILARIOUS!! Just make sure you do that for the performance we make it to. lol.

Amy said...

haha. That is hilarious. It sounds like those old ladies sure enjoyed it. :)

Christina said...

I love live theater, chances are if we were that that would have been the night we were there because I always seem to go the times that things go wrong. In high school I went the night that someone tipped their chair over when they tried to scoot away from a table, I went to my nephews school play the night their set completely fell down on them, etc, etc, etc. It sure does make good memories though.