Saturday, November 1, 2008

Oh No!!!

Recently, our son has turned into the Mean kid. When he gets mad, he will throw things or hit us... or both. And yesterday I went to go talk to the apartment manager who owns a dog, and when I turned around to check on Grayson, he was throwing a pinecone at the Dog!!! Before I could get to him, he nailed that poor dog in the face. He threw two more pinecones at him before I took him inside. AND, yesterday he threw the biggest fit at Walmart because I wouldn't let him push the buttons on the keypad at the cash register. My mom told me that kids who feel the most loved and comfortable with their home surroundings end up being the brattiest. So how in the world do I fix this? Stop loving my child?!?! :) I'm just wondering where he picked up this behavior because I've never seen another child act like this around him, and we definitely never watch violent movies when he is awake... Hmmmm. And I thought they stayed perfect and sweet forever. haha


Brooke Carroll said...

Thanks woman! We had fun was YOUR Halloween? I hope your little boy is doing good; I think it's a phase little kiddies go through sometimes, so don't worry! I'm sure you are very good parents and are doing your best. He sure is a cute kid! ;)

The Druces' said...

YES!!! I feel the same way!! Kerri (Galea) Price, watches Audrey and she said Audrey learned to hit from Treyson (her son) but yeah lately (I have been blaming it on the molars) Audrey has started to hit us in the face like when we redirect her from something she wants...Now from reading your blog I think it must just be a stage...Thats what we will blame it on anyway k? K! :)

Amy said...

He is probably just testing his boundaries. He doesn't know that it is a bad thing to hurt a dog, until you tell him it is. It's definitely a stage, but you also need to use this time to set some rules and guidelines. Try to always be consistent and he will learn what is allowed and what isn't. If he knows that he can't ever play with the keypad at the store, he'll get over it pretty soon. I would try to distract him with something else, but also tell him that he's not allowed to play with it.

Also, try not to laugh when they do something bad. Sometimes that is might be a little bit funny the first time they do something naughty, but then they will think that it is a good thing and it will make you laugh. Firmly say no when they do something naughty so that they know it's not going to bring smiles.

That's what's worked for me so far...

Dave & Ashley said...

Haha! that is kinda funny, but sad... I cant picture your adorable little boy doing that! well i wish you the best of luck and when i have kids one day and my child is throwing pinecones i will be coming to you for advice! :)