Monday, November 17, 2008

Things I am excited for...

#1- This weekend is our last performances of "Lucky Stiff"! It's been a great run, but I'm ready to have my life back

#2- WE CLOSE ON OUR HOUSE THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy Smokes, I can't believe it!

#3- Saturday, the PRIVATE screening of Twilight!!!! Woo! Over 40 females getting steamed up over our favorite vampire Edward. What is better than that?

#4- My brother is coming to town! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Amy said...

Wow! You are going to have a really great week! I'm super excited for Twilight! We're going on Saturday. :)

Cherry said...

I think that to add to your happy days, you should get a Kitcheaide! HA HA! :) Yes they are worth it, and I don't know how I ever lived without it! ha ha! Love you!

Becktacular Duo! said...

Yay for you Krystle!! You've accomplished something really great! :) We need to see pictures!

Also, I was wanting to ask you a question-- do you have any footage from Man of La Mancha... I would like to get a hold of some for Stephen for Christmas... Let me know!!! Love you!

Amy said...

Hey Krystle! Congrats on the new house, I'm so excited for you. I can't wait until we can finally buy a place. :) Well, in response to your questions:

Kyle decided to become a vegetarian mostly for health reasons. It's not based on anything ethical. haha. He still will eat meat occasionally, but when he does eat meat it usually makes him feel sick. He says that he just has a lot more energy and feels happier when he doesn't eat meat.

It all started when his boss in Missouri had a health food guy come and give some lectures. He basically told them that things like meat and cheese just sit and rot in your body. lol. Anyway, he's happy with it and I'm not minding so much anymore. I usually only have meat now if we eat out at a restaraunt. And I've found several good tofu dishes. :)

Kyle's still doing some art, but not as much. He doesn't have as much time. Some of his art is for sale at I've been meaning to set up a blog with all of his previous art work on it, but haven't gotten around to it yet. ;)

Have fun setting up your new home!

Amy said...

Sorry, I forgot the letter "a" in his etsy address. It is: There is actually only one picture up for sale right now. The previous listings expired, and I can't decide if it is worth listing them again. ;)