Tuesday, January 20, 2009


SHEESH! I never realized just how addicted I am to the internet until I didn't have it in my home for nearly three months! That is just crazy! But we finally ordered it yesterday and I am so excited! I've tried to catch up on all the blogs, but I APOLOGIZE anyone who has yet to receive a comment from me! I'll try to get better!

The new year has begun, and nothing has really happened or changed. Well, except that I got all the boxes out of our dining room and we actually ate dinner... at the table! That is a near miracle! Barry has also started school up again... YEAH! He wasn't able to last semester because they weren't offering the night classes he needs but my hubby is officially a full-time student! This is a bit of a downer for me because his classes were at the same time as the ones I needed and the one class I could take on the internet was full so now I unfortunately have to take the semester off. Oh well, I will do anything to get my husband through school! But I am very grateful for the time off because it's giving me time to work on some projects that have been hanging in the air. I wrote a couple songs a while ago for a Christmas musical but haven't found the time to finish it so now I do! I would really like to finish my musical and maybe see if the community theatre will perform it this next Christmas or so. That would be so awesome. I'm also trying to write a couple songs for my Young Women but we'll see how that goes. And when I'm not doing that, I have a huge list of books I want to read. I just finished "The Looking Glass Wars". It's a spin on Alice in Wonderland and I liked it, didn't love it but it's fun. And now I'm reading "Treasure Island" because I'm trying to read a classic for every modern book.

As for New Year's Resolutions time, we officially had our first family Home Evening last night!!!! YEAH! WOW! WOO HOO! It was cute. Well, we spent about 45 minutes organizing Grayson's new room. It is soooooooooooooo cute! His room is bright canary yellow but everything else is the primary colors and the Justice League. But then we sat on his clean floor, and sang "I am like a star shining brightly" but neither of us could remember all the words so it was... interesting. Then Barry read a story from our "My first Book of Mormon" hard back books (THANKS MAMA RICKS!) We read the story of Nephi and then had Grayson point at everything from the story: Nephi, the Brass Plates, etc. Then we said prayer and that was it. Simple, but wonderful.

I love my family and I LOVE being able to blog again! haha! So, here we go. My first official entry in my new home! WOO!


Mark and Whitney said...

Hey Krystle!

Sounds like you have been busy, but you are able to get a lot done, that's wonderful. And thanks for the comment on my blog. Don't worry, your birthday with wasn't late because my birthday is actually today.

Amy said...

Good job doing FHE! It's always kind of interesting doing it with young kids, but it is a great habit to get into even if it only lasts for 5 minutes. :)

Congrats on having the internet again...I've become much too dependent on it, so I feel for your time of seperation. lol.

Unknown said...

Yay for a new home! That is wonderful. Oh, and I am doing a ton of reading this semester too. I honestly haven't read an entire book since high school (yes, this is sad but true. I don't know what the deal is...As a child some of my cousins and my friends didn't want to play with me because all I wanted to do was read books... And now... Who knows? So I'm almost done with my first which is just like an autobiography of the Gosselin family which i LOVE (Have you seen Jon and Kate Plus 8?) And then I'm not sure what I will tackle next. I love you!

Christina said...

Yay. Glad that you are able to be back in cyberspace. And that you are getting your home organized and put together

Christina said...

Hey Im'g giving you a blogging award. details are on my blog