Monday, January 26, 2009


What a week!!! My entire last week has been filled with babysitting for a lady I know. She has been dropping her kids off at nine and picking them up around 11 or one p.m. depending on the day. So all of my mornings have been BUSY BUSY BUSY with three kids, but then on Thursday... late on Thursday we get a reminder phone call that Barry's uncle and cousin will be dropping by early the next day and spending the night. Well, if you know me at all... this is the time where the snakes pop out of my hair, I start breathing fire, and one look from my eyes can turn you to stone. In other words... Look out Barry, Krystle is stressed!

We just moved! So I spend all of Thursday night fretting about getting the house clean and all of Friday finding clever ways to hide our moving boxes (like stacking them out in the back yard) and stuffing whatever dishes I didn't manage to clean (since we don't have a dishwasher anymore) into our oven. So that leaves my mind COMPLETELY full so I forget for the millionth time to go to my friend's Stampin Up Party which I have never been to and made a goal to do! SORRY CHRISTINA!

So on Friday, the house finally became presentable but Grayson became completely UNPRESENTABLE. He woke up with this hacking-cough and super runny nose and about midday he starts sweating, turns completely red and shaking and his temperature sky rockets to around 104. And then my nose starts running... and then I start getting all achey... which does not add to my charming Medusa personality at the moment.

Grayson is so sick that my typically table and piano scaling little man can do nothing but sit and watch T.V. as he moans softly. It has been painful to listen to his suffering. But Kerry and Brittany come and it turned out to be a fun night! We spent the night watching Supernatural (THANKS JEANNETTE!) and talking about how we met the loves of our lives. It was fun.

Then I spent the rest of the night up with our crying and in pain boy. OH AND THANK YOU MAREN FOR BRINGING ME A THERMOMETER!!! Anyway, so ALSO on Friday my friend and I started talking about starting an in-home business so HOPEFULLY I'll be announcing that sometime soon. But we wanted to do some research on our business idea today (Monday) but Grayson has gotten significantly worse so I got up early to call the doctor only to discover that the phone service is down. So I sit in bed and craddle my little boy for two hours before the phone service kicks in and FINALLY got Grayson into the doctor.

SHEESH!!! What a week! But we started him on some antibiotics. Turns out he has an ear infection in both ears and the flu. So, HOPEFULLY, he will return to his monkey-man self very soon, I'll get over my either cold or allergy ickyness and life can revert back to our version of normalcy!


Amy said...

What a crazy week! I hope Grayson gets feeling better really soon.

And, your "version of normalcy" haha, I like that. :)

We don't have a dishwasher anymore, either. But I actually haven't minded it all that much. I used to hate doing the dishes, but lately it hasn't really bothered me. Progress, maybe?! :)

Mom Ricks said...

Dear Medussa, we love you, no matter what kind of a bad-hair day you have.
I'm sorry to hear that Grayson has been so sick. I always felt a little helpless when my kids got that way. Sounds like you are both on the mend. Hey, are you going to get a dishwasher?
I couldn't get by without mine.
Take care, Luv Ya,

Gardners said...

So Sorry to hear that sad story! You are a wonder woman!!! Glad to hear you guys are in a house of your own, so jealous. We miss seeing you guys. call me some time, when life calms down. love you all!