Saturday, January 16, 2010

Was it worth it?

So remember yesterday? Well, turns out- Grayson somehow found two markers in his room (I don't know where he found them, we are really good about keeping them out of reach) and colored all over the beautiful wooden lego table my Grandpa built him for Christmas.

THANK GOODNESS for washable markers!

Did I learn a lesson? Yes. Bring on the "artwork", I need my quiet time!


Amy said...

lol, I'm so glad they were washable! I am all for the quiet time also. I just try to keep things out of Parker's room that I don't want him getting into, and that's helped to prevent a few problems. :) Somehow little boys are capable of finding things you didn't even know were there, so I guess messes happen anyway. All our markers and crayons are washable though, just to be safe!

Mom Ricks said...

I'll always remember the time when John and Ryan were little and we were having a visit to grandma and Grandpa Monson. We were all sleeping in the big bedroom downstairs. Most of us were upstairs and it was TOO quiet , you know what I mean. I found Ryan, alone in the downstairs bedroom liberally shaking out the contents of the baby powder all over the carpets in the bedroom. We vacuumed and vacuumed and it smelled pretty good for the rest of our visit.