Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Getting so big.

Grayson has been making some big changes in his life. He is growing bigger every day, his front top teeth are growing in, and he has just recently decided to change his wakeup time from 9:30 to 7:30. This is pretty rough for mommy because I like to A) sleep in because I am the worst night-sleeper in the world or B) get up before Grayson and get some work done. Along with this new adjustment, Grayson has also decided that he no longer needs two 2-3 hour naps, but only needs one 2 hour nap a day. I feel like a pinball machine, bouncing around my apartment, trying to squeeze every task into a two-hour period. By the time I get our whole apartment spotless, it’s time to start cleaning again. The only scrapbooking I have completed is of us at the hospital holding a newborn baby… We haven’t even taken him home yet! I was so determined to keep my book updated, and I’m now seven months behind! Sheesh!
In the last conference, one of the speakers said the joy of parenthood comes in small moments… This two hour period is NOT one of them. But, hearing Grayson learn how to babble his first consonant (Buh) and constantly squeal in delight over everything, see him learn how to cruise while holding on to furniture, take him outside to feel (and eat) the grass, these are the moments that make my two-hour game of pinball so worth it!


Amy said...

Oh, aren't they so fun?! It's so amazing to watch babies learn so many new things.

I have given up on scrapbooking. I still have high school pictures that I never got around to. lol. I always just put pictures in photo albums, but now that I'm even more busy with two kids, and I haven't printed out any pictures since I had Parker. Now I'm thinking "what's the point of even printing them out? I can just look at them on the computer!" lol. I am definitely getting way too lazy!

Sarah said...

You just described my life too! It's crazy at times, but definitely worth it when Dagny smiles and her two little front teeth start showing. Oh, the life of a stay at home mom!