Sunday, April 20, 2008


For the first time since we moved here, I don’t feel safe in our apartment complex. Last night around 3 am, I awoke to a weird knocking on the door. I thought I was hearing things so I listened, but the knocking didn’t stop. I woke up Barry and told him someone was trying to get in our house. By the time he made it to the door, the person was pounding. Barry looked through the peephole and discovered it was a girl, so he opened the door thinking she might be in trouble. She asked to see someone and very politely Barry said, “I’m sorry, that person doesn’t live here.” I heard her snap back at him and ask to see someone else. Once again a little more forcefully, Barry said “that person doesn’t live here”. After that, the girl started shouting, “Angela! Angela!!!” and she tried to shove the door open and push past Barry. He actually had to grab her and throw her out of our apartment. He slammed the door closed and locked it, and she went away… for a couple minutes. We listened and heard loud music coming from a neighboring apartment, they were throwing a party. After we realized what was going on, she came back and started kicking the door and yelling whoever’s name she was looking for. Barry called the cops and told them a stranger had just tried to force their way into our house and the operator told us a cop was on their way. Finally, we heard a man’s voice saying “Do not bust that door down!” She started yelling at him, and he told her that “Angela” and the other people she was looking for didn’t live here. She said, “yes they do!” and he went on to tell her that a young couple lived here. She kept arguing and finally he said they just had a baby, the people you want don’t live there. After he said that, she just walked away. I couldn’t believe it! This woman was sloshed out of her mind, spilled her beer all over our front patio, and left the can right in front of our door. But what makes me the most upset, is that the cops never even showed up. Glad they are working so hard to serve and protect. I suddenly want to buy a gun, some mace, and a taser (haha). But really, I was scared out of my mind.


Elise said...

That is NOT cool about the police not showing up. Brad told me this story on the way home from church on Sunday. You be careful, girlie! You talk to your landlord. NOT COOL!

Amy said...

How crazy! I'm glad you guys are alright. Won't it be nice when you can have a house far away from all the weird people that live in apartment complexes. lol - I dream of that day...

Sarah said...

That is so scary! At first I didn't like the idea of Noah having a gun, mace, and taser in the house, but when I hear about stories like yours I'm sure glad Noah knows how to protect us. You really should buy some pepper spray and kick some butt with it!

Gardners said...

Man what a scary experience, Sounds like the third floor of our dorm up at western with the basket ball players! That was an experience. Hey Barry have you played crisis core yet?