Monday, April 7, 2008

Workin hard

I am feeling so great right now. I have been soooo sick of feeling like a big Blob! For the past two weeks I have been working really hard to eat healthier. A friend gave me the point system for weight watchers, but I can't afford to join or anything so I have just been using the points as a guideline for portions and better food choices. I also have been doing the three mile walk around the river every other day. Besides two run-ins with some very CREEPY men, I really enjoy my time. I have been told by several people that the river is perfectly safe to walk alone, and told by others that it is very dangerous. I thought I would take a chance on it and see for myself who was right and who was wrong. My mom is trying to get me to wear a whistle (haha) for my protection, but I am thinking about at least carrying a can of mace or pepperspray after that last incident.
Also, Barry's boss got everyone and their spouse at the office, a year's membership to EXTREME FITNESS! hehe, I love the name. I told my husband how much I wanted to start working out so he has volunteered to watch Grayson during his lunch hour so I could go. Isn't he wonderful!? So on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I go to the gym for 45 minutes, and lift weights. I rotate between five upper-body machines and three legs machines and do three reps of 15 on each. It makes me laugh because I work out with a bunch of older men (as in REALLY OLD) and they are all lifting like 300 pounds, and I struggle trying to bench 25 pounds! Oh well, ya gotta start somewhere!
Barry also just got the new WII Dance Dance Revolution which has a workout program on it. You can actually type in how many calories you want to burn and it will construct a program around it so I try and do that during Grayson's naps. If any of you friends in Carlsbad care to join me in DDR I would love the company!!! Anyway, this is one of the hardest goals I have ever set for myself. I lost 25 pounds in college when I had mandatory dance classes and choreography rehearsals every day but trying to get in shape on your own is so HARD! Sheesh! But I am feeling so great and energized, it is sooooooooooooooooooooooo worth it! If any of you have any good eating or workout tips I would love to hear them!


Rachel @ The Little Blue Room said...

Spark people is a great website that helps you plan meals and workout plans. I love it! You should check it out.

Amy said...

I don't really have any tips. I am terrible at this kind of stuff, and I really need to start exercising too! I just wanted to say that I'm happy for you! It sounds like you have a good plan going, and that is SO nice of Barry to watch Grayson while you work out! :)

Christina said...

call me whenever you are going to do the DDR workout. I would love to come over, and I'm sure Danica and Whitney will love watching us an probably join in too.
As for tips - variety in all things and moderation in all thins. You can make anything work as long as you follow those rules. Darker colored fuits and veggies have more vits/minerals. Try using beans and lentils at least once a week. They are cheap and very good for you. I'll send you some recipes.