I can hear fireworks already going off as I sit all alone in my house... husbandless. He's been gone for three days at his Grandmother's funeral, I miss him like crazy! But he will be back around midnight to bring in the new year, so I will make good use of his absence and write a blog. It's been almost a whole month since I've written, but that doesn't mean I've had nothing to write about.
Christmas was absolutely wonderful. My entire family made it to town and we partied the heck out of the week. I was introduced to a new board game we will be buying soon, the craziest game I have ever played. To give you an idea of its contents, my brother had to construct a snorkel out of household items and wear it for the entire game or lose points, I had to write a haiku about a man with five arms, and write and read without laughing, a sentence about the person to the right of me using the words "exercise equipment, magestic snot, sunbeams, and ancient Greece". My sister-in-law couldn't make eye contact with anyone, and my other brother had to talk in the third person. Yeah... Crazy.
I didn't really ask for anything for Christmas, and was thoroughly surprised by the amazingness of my gifts. But that sort of relates to my next topic, soooo...
My New Year Resolutions.
Bah, I hate that phrase, but here are my goals for the year.
1- Of course, lose weight. But to accomplish this I will be joining Weight Watcher's next week (And the crowd goes Wild!!!) I am super excited, and have great moral support from my husband and sister-in-law! The goal for the year is 35 lbs... HOT BODY... here I come!
2- My relationship with the Savior has gotten pretty lax lately. I would like to fix that, so super spiritual revamp... I'm coming!
3- My ultimate dream (one of three or so) is to publish a novel. I know... that's what everyone says, right? But it's true. My laptop of seven years has decided to break up with me, and my husband surprised me with a ***NEW NEW NEW LAPTOP LAPTOP LAPTOP** for Christmas! Not only that, but he got me "The Everything Guide to Writing a Novel" book. I've said it all along but, WHAT A STUDMUFFIN!
I think I have a really great idea for a story and have been working on it here and there, but here's the resolution... Finish the first draft by the end of the year. I'm really nervous about setting this one as a goal, but with my new computer in tow, there's nothing I can't accomplish! (Too melodramatic?)
4- Enjoy the year! Woo!
Of course, I'm still trying to find a way to make money out of being crafty, but I'm not quite crafty enough... that dream will just have to be on the back burners until I finish my story.
And there you have it, folks. A sneak peek at the inner desires of Krystle Ricks.
An Adventure
8 years ago