Friday, January 15, 2010


I put my son down for a nap about an half an hour ago. He never went to sleep. Note the sarcasm in my voice as I say Big surprise. So here I sit, listening to him rustle around in there, making all kinds of noises, and I've learned something. I've reached that point in parenthood when I would rather risk drawings on the wall or destroyed toys than give up my ten minutes of peace to check and see what he's doing.


Cherry said...

ha ha! Carter is as old a Grayson and I've already hit that point.......Good luck! Love you and miss you!!!

Cherry said...

*I meant isn't :)

The Bundy's said...

There are days that Ethan won't nap...but I still leave him in there until about 4:15 (that's when he usually wakes up when he does take a nap.) Mom's need that time to keep us sane....even if it does mean cleaning up ripped books and clothes that he's pulled out of his drawers and put in the laundry basket :o)