Tuesday, February 12, 2008

marital reflections...

While Barry and I were taking a drive this last Saturday, he randomly told me he thought we have an amazing marriage. At first, I was elated to hear my husband say this, but as I have thought about it I have switched from elation to sadness. I feel like, well I KNOW that I am a very inadequate wife. I am still learning how to balance a child and my other responsibilities…. Learning, but not progressing. I basically sit all day on the floor in our living room and talk to Grayson as he gnaws on lego blocks while the dishes, laundry, and dust pile up. My husband however, goes to work full-time and school full-time to support us and has to come home to a frumpy wife who has done nothing at all that day except broadened her baby-talk vocabulary.
On top of that, Barry will do the laundry because I haven’t even tried to carry our HUGE loads and Grayson to the Laundromat just 200 yards away. If we have guests coming over, Barry will straighten the house with me, and help vacuum. Often times, he even ends up doing the week’s worth of dishes that I haven’t reached yet. On top of that, if he can tell that I’m not in a very personable mood, he will offer to cook dinner for us, and often times it tastes way better than anything I have EVER conjured up. The worst part of it all is that I have NEVER once heard my husband complain or even utter a sigh of frustration over all of this, but I occasionally find myself whining about my “hard day”. Complaining about a cranky baby who is sick or teething, when he has to put up with a cranky wife AND baby amongst other things and never says a word! We don’t have an amazing marriage… I have an amazing husband.

1 comment:

Elise said...

I love reading your blog, Krystle. Keep posting. Love you guys!!