Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Random facts of life

~Today was great! Apparently, Denny's did a "Feed America" thing where from the morning until two p.m. they were giving everyone a free grand slam breakfast. Barry called me around 10:30 and said, "Be dressed by 11:30 (his lunch hour) We are goin' out!" So we went with his co-worker and spouse to free lunch! How awesome is that!

~The Superbowl was awesome. We once again went to Maryanne Williamson's (my second mother) to watch the game on her big screen. The food was better than the game if I may say so, and the company was even better! GREAT GAME STEELERS! (the pic is my football cake)

~Saturday was also Awesome! We've been having a difficult time making time for friends with the move and school and everything but we finally had a game night with our friends the Kiltons! We played this new game calle Rigamarole and it is the most intimidating board game I have ever played! We also made new friends at the party! THANKS CHRISTINA AND DAVE!!! Oh and I LOVED your dessert!

~Grayson is finally feeling better!!!!!!! YAY!!! I kind of miss him sleeping all day, haha! I forgot just how energetic he is! But now that he is feeling better I noticed a weird pink mark on his eye and I'm worried he might be getting pink eye! PLEASE PRAY THAT THAT'S NOT THE CASE!!!

Well that sums up my week! Sorry it was so choppy! After not having the internet for two months, it's hard getting back into the swing of blogging!


Becktacular Duo! said...

Love your cake! It looks great, you are so creative! :)

Mom Ricks said...

Cute cake!
it looks good enough to eat, lol.